Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha talks Ice Cream Sandwich, future tablets in Oppenheimer keynote
By Joseph Volpe
posted Aug 9th 2011 11:41PM
You live, you learn -- or so Alanis and Sanjay Jha would have us believe. The Motorola CEO delivered a keynote speech early Tuesday morning at the Oppenheimer Annual Technology and Communications Conference, touching upon the company's recent past and the lessons its learned going forward. Referencing the Xoom launch, Jha told attendees to expect tablets in the second half of the year with "much more aggressive form factors" and unique enterprise features, adding that the company would be placing a renewed focus on cheaper, WiFi only tablets. The OEM also intends to streamline its global branding, creating marketing efficiencies for worldwide launches and saving the company a buck, or two in the process. Unfortunately, the Moto chief didn't spill the release beans for the much hyped Bionic, but did take a gentle swipe at the upcoming beast phone, calling it an "important product, but not the only product." Could this herald an oncoming wave of Ice Cream Sandwich devices? We're not sure, as Jha waffled when asked whether the company would, yet again, commit to Android's next untested evolution.
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