If you happen to be both a Nissan Leaf owner and an Android user, you're in luck today, because the automaker has just released an official app that could make your life a little easier. With Nissan's tool, you'll be able to monitor your electric vehicle's battery life and estimated driving range directly from your smartphone, which you can also use to remotely charge your Leaf, or start its air conditioning. It may not be the most groundbreaking app ever, but it definitely offers some welcomed convenience to Nissan's growing base of EV drivers. Yesterday, the company confirmed to Autoblog Green that Leaf sales "crossed the 10,000 mark a couple weeks ago." Exact figures are hard to come by, due to Japan's summer holiday, but Nissan says it's 100 percent certain that the milestone was crossed. Next up: world domination.
Posted in: Android,charge,Nissans
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